19 Dec 7 Best Foods That Increase Fertility in Females & Males
When it’s about conceiving, there are obviously plenty of rules… And no doubt, in this, fertility and diet are hot topics because people are curious about it and it can be seen with the searches like foods that increase fertility in females…
But is it like really true that eating certain foods can boost up one’s fertility??
Well, sort of….but not really
Actually, your overall diet does matter.
As per Researches,
Unhealthy foods harm fertility. However, aside this, there’s even stronger evidence that body weight impact fertility. (Both being under and overweight causes infertility).
When it comes to fertility foods list or fertility diet recipes, many people are there who think that there might be a particular food that ‘cure’ infertility issue. Nonetheless, that’s not true at all!!
But remember, this doesn’t mean at all that you should stop considering the so called fertility boosting foods for male and female.
Here’s why so??
Actually there are certain nutrients that do play vital role in the reproductive system… and what you eat is obviously an important way to get all those nutrients.
A diet rich in healthy fats, organic fruits and veggies, whole grains and protein is something you should be following when you’re starting to prepare your body for conceiving.
Here’s the list of best fertility foods when trying to get pregnant.
7 best foods that increase fertility in females As Well As Males
Good food is very essential, not for the living only apart from that it leads to the body as a fit body. And, you know if you are fit these kind of problems will never bother you again.
Fresh Grapefruit and Orange Juice
What’s Fertility Food?
Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and orange juice.
Why it’s fertility boosting foods
Grapefruit juice and orange juice comprises high quantity of polyamine putrescine.
This putrescine improves semen & egg health.
In one study,
Older female rats were given water rich in putrescine in the time just before and up to ovulation. After then, it was observed that the rate of chromosomal defects in the ovulated eggs decreased by more than 50%. It might be that putrescine helps out both the egg and sperm cells maintain their respective chromosomal integrity.
Addition to all this, these Grapefruit and orange juice boost up Vitamin C in the body.
Note: Low Vitamin C level might negatively affect female hormonal balance.
How to Include These More in Your Diet?
Follow below points to get more in your diet:
- Make smoothies with orange or grapefruit juice as a base.
- Squeeze your own orange juice.
- Include grapefruit or orange slices to salads.
Caution: As per researches, Grapefruit juice has been observed increasing effects of some medications. In some cases, even Upto some dangerous levels. So, in case, if you’re on certain sort of medications, it’s advised here to consult your doctor first on Grapefruit juice intake.
Full-Fat Yogurt and Ice Cream for Fertility
Fertility Food
Full-Fat dairy products, such as whole milk, ice cream, full-fat yogurt, cream cheese, and other cheese.
Why these are fertility boosting foods
A conducted study states that women who ate full-fat dairy products are less likely to experience fertility issues than the ones who ate primarily low-fat dairy products.
In this particular study, the used low-fat dairy products included: skim or low-fat milk, yogurt, sherbet, and cottage cheese. However the full-fat products included: whole milk, cream cheese, ice cream, cream cheese, and other cheese.
So, this is why Full-Fat Yogurt is one of the best foods that increase fertility in females.
How to include more in your diet
The simplest way to get a full-fat dairy in your diet is to switch to whole milk instead of low-fat milk.
Easy, if you already have milk in your morning tea or cereal.
Or, if you’re yogurt kind of gal, it’s better to switch to full-fat yogurt instead of the low-fat varieties.
An occasional serving of ice cream can make a nice treat. Just ensure to take into account the extra calories in your diet.
Note: Overweight can negatively affect fertility… so cannot afford to overdo it here.
Cooked Tomatoes – foods that increase fertility in females
Fertility Food
Cooked tomatoes
Why these are fertility boosting foods for male and female
Cooked tomatoes are high in the nutrient lycopene, a strong antioxidant.
According to researches,
Lycopene do contributes a lot in improving male fertility.
One conducted study found that supplementation of 4 to 8 mg of lycopene per day for 8 to 12 months improves semen health and increases pregnancy rates.
How to include more in your diet
Despite both raw and cooked tomatoes comprises lycopene, one cup of cooked tomatoes comprises almost twice as much lycopene as one cup of raw tomatoes.
So, whenever possible, go for the cooked tomato recipes.
Note: Tomatoes in any form are good for you!! It’s one of the best foods that increase fertility in females.
Asparagus for Fertility
Fertility Food
Cooked asparagus
Why these are fertility boosting foods for male and female
Asparagus is one of the best fertility foods when trying to get pregnant.
Its low calorie fill you up and provides you with a boost of fertility vital nutrients.
One cup of boiled asparagus furnishes you with:
- Full daily value of Vitamin K.
- 60% of your daily value of folate
- 8% of your daily zinc and 16% of your daily recommended amount of selenium. Both vital for male fertility.
- 20% of several other vital nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and the B vitamin thiamin.
How to include more in your diet
Don’t go for canned asparagus, which is full of salt. Instead of it, approach fresh or frozen.
However, if want to go for canned, look for low sodium options.
Note: According to majority of the doctors, asparagus is one of the best foods that increase fertility in females.
Walnuts for Fertility
Fertility Food
Why these are fertility foods for men
Healthy fats have always been referred vital part of overall health. However they are also vital for healthy reproductive health.
Walnuts comes rich in omega – 3s and omega – 6s. This is actually what led researchers to consider, whether they might be potent enough to boost fertility.
Conducted case studies clearly proof that men eating walnuts have improved semen health. Particularly, they have improved sperm vitality, motility and morphology.
How to include more in your diet
Think over replacing your afternoon snack with a serving of walnuts!
Cinnamon – foods that increase fertility in females
Fertility Food
Cinnamon, the spice
Why it is one of the best fertility foods when trying to get pregnant
Insulin resistance is closely associated with PCOS (a common cause of infertility in women).
Cinnamon supplementation has been reported improving diabetes health in no. of studies.
Actually, according to studies, Cinnamon reduces body’s glucose levels, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and total cholesterol in patients with diabetes. All these its salient features indicates that it might be good enough for fertility.
In research, it’s clearly concluded that,
Women who got the cinnamon showed improved ovulation and menstrual regularity.
So, without any doubt, Cinnamon is one of the finest foods that increase fertility in females.
How to include more in your diet
Use some cinnamon in your morning oatmeal, on top of your yogurt, or into your tea or coffee.
Pineapple for Fertility
Fertility Food
Why it’s one of the best fertility foods for men
Pineapple is clearly good source of Vitamin C.
Vitamin C contributes a lot in boosting male fertility.
One conducted study found that supplementation with Vitamin C boost up sperm quality in heavy smokers.
How to include more in your diet
Pineapple is a low-calorie fruit which without any doubt satisfied one’s sweet tooth in a healthier way. So, it’s good it enjoy having it.
OK… so yeah… these were the best fertility boosting foods for male and female.
Note the aforementioned are the proven food to increase fertility for twins also.
In the upcoming blogs, we will be updating you with fertility diet recipes or fertility diet to improve egg quality. So, keep visiting us regularly!!
In today’s date, infertility is big issue in India and all over world.
Around 15% of the couples are suffering with it. So, if you think you belong to this group of people anyhow, above mentioned fertility foods list is for you. However, for quick results, you can consult Gynecologists. They are the ones who can for surely help you out in dealing problem like this.
For Doctors
Infertility is a big issue today, and so the gynecologists are in demand. Well we’re here to introduce ourselves to you… Aldan HealthCare.
Aldan Healthcare is one of the Top Gynecology Pharmaceutical Companies in India, specializes in gynae and fertility range.
We at Aldan are dedicated to bring quality gynae solutions, solving women reproductive health.
The company comprises the best state of art manufacturing facilities.
We commit our resources with research focusing on finding innovative solutions to several major public health challenges such as female & male infertility, Anovulation, PCOS and etc.
Contact us to be with the top Infertility Products Manufacturer in India.
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