Psoriasis is an ongoing skin condition brought about by an overactive immune system. Indications incorporate chipping of skin, irritation, and thick, white, shimmering, or red patches of skin. Psoriasis medicines incorporate steroid creams, impediments, light treatment, and oral drugs.
Note: one such excellent product recommended by...
If you escaped (still escaping) COVID-19, congratulations!! If you survived covid, hail hero! Now, if you have Vitiligo and fear of covid infections, count on us! Because this blog is exactly for you. Nevertheless, COVID vaccination and Vitiligo have become a topic of major discussion...
In dermal disorders, the fight is not just with the disease but also with patients’ inner minds. One such disorder that can disbalance their emotional base is psoriasis. As a result, questions like are psoriasis patients immunocompromised, or why do I look so different can...
As psoriasis is found in the knee, neck, elbows, it can also be found in the scalp and places near the scalp like inside or near the ear. Thus, scalp and behind ear psoriasis is the same type as found in different another place in...
Are you suffering from Vitiligo? Do you also have alopecia? Are you wondering whether they are related? Well, then you are the perfect blog. This article will discuss all Vitiligo and alopecia.
For people who don’t know what Vitiligo is, it is a skin condition? Small...