06 Feb Ways to Get Rid Of Perioral Dermatitis
If you are looking for ways to get rid of Perioral dermatitis then this blog is for you.
However, before proceeding, it’s important to have a quick glimpse on what Perioral dermatitis actually is, its causes, and symptoms.
What is Perioral Dermatitis?
Perioral Dermatitis is a facial rash condition that occurs around the mouth. Well, the rash may speed up to the nose, forehead or even around the eyes. This condition is commonly seen in young women. Nonetheless, it can affect men as well.
Generally, due to such high visibility on the face, people wants to get rid of perioral dermatitis quickly. As it contributes to emotional difficulties and self-image problems in people, making them under-confident.
So, many Dermatology Pharmaceutical Companies have come up with solutions to get rid of Perioral dermatitis.
Perioral Dermatitis Causes
The exact cause of Perioral dermatitis is not known. Nevertheless, studies suggest that it occurs because of the prolonged use of topical steroid creams and inhaling sprays used in nose and mouth.
Also, overuse of moisturizers and heavy face creams are another common cause. Moreover, other causes include fluorinated toothpaste, skin irritations, and rosacea.
Perioral Dermatitis Symptoms
Perioral dermatitis results in bumps around the skin of the mouth and may spread to eyes, nose, forehead and sometimes genitals.
Further, this condition is usually characterized by uncomfortable burning sensations around the mouth.
Also, one common question that comes to people’s minds regarding this is “Is perioral dermatitis a fungus?”
Studies suggest that factors which trigger Perioral dermatitis include fungal or bacterial infections. Thus, it is suggested to keep that area clean, dry and well looked after.
Perioral Dermatitis Treatment Adults
For Perioral Dermatitis treatment in adults, you should discontinue the use of all topical steroids medications and facial creams. Furthermore, you are require to change the skincare routine, by using fragrance-free cleansers and moisturizers, not scrubbing, and gently patting the dry skin.
Also many people are curious to know that “is perioral dermatitis contagious”.
However, the answer is NO, it is not contagious. It doesn’t spread via skin to skin contact with the infected person.
Many Dermatology Product Manufacturers in India have come up with solutions along with dietary with lifestyle changes for Perioral dermatitis treatment.
Perioral Dermatitis Diet
Part of treating Perioral dermatitis includes incorporating lifestyle changes that can help prevent it. Well, this includes:
- Limit over salty and spicy food as it causes irritation on the skin around the mouth.
- Eating low carbohydrate and high protein diet
- Skin conditions improve when a person goes on a gluten-free diet.
- Alcohol, cigarettes, and chocolates are linked to rosacea that lead to Perioral dermatitis.
How to Get Rid Of Perioral Dermatitis Naturally:
Usually, people search for “how to get rid of perioral dermatitis overnight”. But, let me tell you there are no ways to get rid of Perioral dermatitis overnight.
However for treating Perioral dermatitis apart from dietary control, there are some natural methods along with lifestyle changes that help in reducing the rashes.
These includes:
- Applying aloe vera or organic plain yogurt
- Using green tea or herbal tea toner on face
- Applying diluted raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar on face
- Stop using or reduce the use of makeup, cosmetics, and sunscreen
- Frequently wash your pillowcases and towel with hot water
Well, the above-mentioned options may take time to prevent the spreading of rashes.
Nonetheless, there are some Top Dermatology Pharmaceutical Brands that claim to cure Perioral dermatitis instantly.
ECZELA- Best Perioral dermatitis Moisturizer
Eczela, a derma product marketed by Aldan Healthcare, a Phytopharma Product Manufacturers in India is the best solution for the Perioral Dermatitis Treatment.
Its main components include nigella sative extract, carbopol, tea tree oil, and glycerine. This solution helps to get rid of Perioral dermatitis instantly and permanently.
With Eczela, you can very easily handle all the perioral dermatitis healing stages.
Unlike other Dermatitis solutions, it comes at an affordable price in gel cream form, having an immense benefit in dermatology.
Note: Use it only after consulting your dermatologist.
About Aldan Healthcare: Aldan Healthcare is one of the Top Dermatology Pharmaceutical Companies in India.
Incorporated in year, 2014 Aldan Healthcare has paved its way among-st all Derma Pharma Companies in India by becoming a trusted pharmaceutical brand for the skincare range.
Based in Mumbai, their main aim is to provide healthcare services across the globe with care.
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