25 Jul Women’s Health – Most Important Aspect to Create a Healthy Society
Aldan HealthCare Private Limited is the expert Pharma Company with 5+ years of experience.
We are dedicated to the Discovery, Development & Commercialization of innovative therapies intended to significantly improve outcomes in patients suffering from life-threatening diseases.
We aim at delivering health & improved lifestyle to mankind via our plethora of unique and exclusive formulations. Moreover, we wish to emerge as one of the leading pharmaceutical organizations in India.
We are planning to market innovations pan India by the year 2020 to serve the ever-growing healthcare demands.
So, this was a lit introduction to us. We thought it’s our first blog and it’s like a sort of important to introduce ourselves to people for whom welfare we’re solely working for.
In our blog, we find no topic more exciting than:
Importance of Women Health for Our Society
Since Gynaecology is one of the mainstream we deal in with, so we find this particular topic the finest one to start our blogging with.
Here we go with Why Women Health Is Today Such Important for the Society and the threats to it.
Now when it’s about women’s health, we think it would be wrong to deny the fact that irrespective of the phenomenal progress in the science and technology, till yet majority of the women around the whole world are yet to live up to their full potential.
Though it’s not like women’s lives have not transformed over the centuries.
As per stats,
In the years of 1900’s, the lifespan of women used to be about 50 years only, which is now in the current date is 83 years on an average.
So, this shows than their lives are transforming. But that’s just not enough. Anticipating the possibility of enjoying a better quality of life throughout the live years is also equally important.
And this is possible only in one case when women take charge of their bodies and understand how they can maximize their health as well as wellness.
Note: As mentioned above, a women’s health does not refer only to her physical condition, but also to her total well-being.
Important Factors of Women’s Health
Women health cannot get determined solely by the biological factors, but also by effects of workload, nutrition, and stress.
Women’s health is not important to her only but to the entire society. The health of families and communities are tied to the health of women.
Today women’s health is taking on a higher position in society and people are realizing finally that addressing the well-being of women is important. This well-being doesn’t comprise the physical care only, but also the emotional as well as psychological welfare.
Remember always, women are important because they have a direct impact on our homes, communities, societies, and countries.
Research stats proof that women’s health does have far-ranging influence over their children’s psychological and emotional well-being.
So, without any doubt, it’s crucial to take care of women and their respective health.
We genuinely think before taking any step towards the welfare of women’s health, it’s important to bring improvement in their social condition, as it’s the primary one. And only after that taking care of biological health makes any sense.
Here below, we have explored out some areas where women health is encountering serious threats and consequences which might arise out of them:
Increase in women mortality rates
As per the latest research conducted by WHO, it has been revealed that lack of care, awareness and basic hygiene are not the only factors reducing the quality of their lives. But also increasing the women mortality rates.
Lack of self-care awareness
Nowadays women are also working as such of men. So, do also have a tough time juggling between family and work-life. In their grinding day-to-day schedule, they often start taking their self-care lite. They allow the added stress disabling them to function optimally in their multi-faceted roles of a mother, daughter, wife, and an employee. In this situation, a supportive social ecosystem is a must for them. It would maximize their productivity, contributing not only towards the family and society but also the economy of the country.
Burdened With Early Motherhood
WHO study reveals that around 100 million girls get married before the age of 18 and around 14 million of these adolescent girls become mothers every year.
No, we have a question on this…
Is it like really possible for these young girls who have neither fully lived their childhood nor educated to bring up another life with the proper care and solid health foundation??
Increases vulnerability to addiction
In today’s era, there is a large number of taking drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. These all substances are without any doubt leading to very negative impact on their health.
These things mainly lead to an extreme level of depression and mental disorders.
Furthermore, compared to men, women have been notified showed less success in quitting addiction habits of any kind and are known to suffer more relapses than men.
So, this can definitely pose a huge threat to the health of future generations.
Victims of sexual abuse
Researches prove that between15% to 71% of women around the world are the victims of sexual violence committed by their male counterparts.
This brutality against women cuts across all the economic as well as social backgrounds.
This savagery against women not only spoils their social life and career but also leads to some serious health consequences like sexually transmitted diseases, depressing and several other chronic afflictions.
This if not checked now, can result in making women the agents of widespread devastation. Instead of the source of life nurturing.
Increased existential threat with female infanticide
Is it possible to imagine a world without women??
Of course not!!
But the strange part is still we are continuing the legacy of female infanticide. Till today’s date, despite the progress we are making, indiscriminate girl child-killing is occurring in our society, without the fear of consequences.
Causes liable behind this deadly ritual is poverty, social prejudice, and bias against women.
Though it’s not like our government is not taking any action against all these mal-practices.
In fact, all these practices are banned but unfortunately still being practiced behind the closed doors.
All this is leading to alarmingly uneven sex ratio worldwide which is estimated to be around 107 boys to 100 girls.
This inadequacy of females is one of the prone reasons to intensify sexual violence in the form of kidnapping, trafficking, assault, and rape.
Final Verdict
Above mentioned are the areas according to us where women health are encountering serious threats. So, regarding the women empowerment, we think problems in these areas should get abolished.
And this is possible only with the unity amongst the people of the society (no matter from which class they belong to).
Here ends our blog!!
In our next blog, we will make you aware of some serious and common women health issues and solution to them.
Till then stay tuned with us…
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