09 Dec Things You Should Know About Psoriasis (Is Psoriasis Curable)
Psoriasis is a chronic, genetically influenced, remitting and relapsing scaly and inflammatory skin disease that affects 1 to 3 percent of the globe’s population. The diagnosis is made on clinical grounds, although histologic examination of a skin-biopsy specimen may be helpful. Psoriasis is a disabling, though rarely life-threatening, disease with a social and economic impact that is underestimated by physicians and other health care providers. Recently, progress has been made in understanding the pathogenesis of psoriasis, and therapeutic advances are improving the care of even severely affected patients. There are several types of psoriasis, including pustular, guttate, erythrodermic psoriasis, and many more.
To understand this critical disorder, it’s very important to starts with general questions people asked about Psoriasis. After that you will also know here the psoriasis symptoms and psoriasis treatments.
Let’s start with a general question people asked about Psoriasis.
What is the main cause of psoriasis?
Decades of research, provides a general idea of two key factors: genetics and the immune system.
Is psoriasis contagious?
Psoriasis isn’t a contagious disorder. Generally, you can’t pass the skin condition from one person to another. Touching a psoriatic lesion on another person won’t cause you to develop the condition.
Psoriasis Symptoms
Psoriasis symptoms generally differs from person to person. It also depends upon the type of psoriasis. Areas of psoriasis can be as small as a few flakes on the scalp or elbow, or cover the majority of the body. You can go through the several blogs of Dermatology Pharmaceutical Companies to get more clarity by Psoriasis Pictures.
The most common symptoms of psoriasis include:
- red, raised, inflamed patches of skin
- whitish-silver plaques on the red patches
- dry skin that may crack and bleed
- soreness around patches
- itching and burning sensations around patches
- thick, pitted nails
- painful, swollen joints
Not every person will experience all of these symptoms. Some people will experience entirely different symptoms if they have a less usual type of psoriasis.
More Things You Should Know About Psoriasis…
Most people with psoriasis generally go through “cycles” of symptoms. The condition may cause severe symptoms for a few days or even weeks, and then the symptoms may clear up and be as unnoticeable. Then, in a few weeks or if made worse by a general psoriasis trigger, the condition may flare up again. Even sometimes, symptoms of psoriasis disappear completely.
When you have no active signs of this disorder, you may be in “remission.” That doesn’t imply psoriasis won’t come back, but for now you’re symptom-free.
Now you are thinking that, is psoriasis curable? So, yes it is curable. You know it is curable then let’s move forward for a clear picture on best psoriasis treatment in India.
Best Psoriasis Cream
(NS) has anti psoriatic effect with the best effect obtained with the combination of oral dosage form of (NS) and ointment. The above statement is a conclusion of our research as well as some of other published research’s. You may go through the published research Evaluation of efficacy, safety and antioxidant effect of Nigella sativa in patients with psoriasis: A randomized clinical trial, on Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations. So, how you will get it? NYGELIS is the best answer because it contains N. Sativa Extract and available in both forms.
So, to cure psoriasis permanently use Best Psoriasis Cream with oral dosage.
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