23 Jun How Psoriasis Affects Immune System? [Psoriasis and Coronavirus]
Suffering from Psoriasis and want to know the reason behind it?? Well, the reason is your immune system… Yes, you read it write… Your immune system, which is meant to protect your body against infections or viruses, leads to the emergence of Psoriasis disease in the body…Here in this blog… elaborated information has been dealt with on How Psoriasis Affects Immune System… Read it thoroughly and you will be clear on the link between Psoriasis and Immune system.
Before coming directly to the link between Psoriasis and the immune system or how Psoriasis affects immune system, it’s important to furnish you guys with a brief intro to autoimmune diseases…
So, here we go…
What is Autoimmune Disease?
An autoimmune disease is actually a condition in which your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks your body. The immune system, which is meant to guard the body against germs such as viruses and bacteria, attacks its own tissues and leads to the emergence of autoimmune diseases in the body.
One such autoimmune disease is Psoriasis.
As per Researchers,
Psoriatic disease (PD) is an autoimmune disease…. Which are caused by the body’s immune system becoming overactive
Note: Despite the fact that both the conditions are lifelong… treatment can help in stabilizing and regulating the overactive process of the immune system, enabling you to manage your symptoms.
Ok… so, this was short desc… on Autoimmune Diseases…
Now, coming to Psoriasis and Immune System
Psoriasis and Overactive Immune System
As discussed above, the immune system is one of the prone reasons, which leads to Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis… Both these diseases cause because of an overactive immune system.
Actually, in people with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis, the immune system, get into action, without any outsider invaders. So, it starts fighting the body’s own tissues.
In Psoriasis disease, this battle is waged in the skin and joints.
Researchers, who study Psoriatic disease are still working hard to identify the substance inside the body, to which the immune response mistakes for invaders.
There are possibilities that it could be certain kinds of bacteria.
According to studies,
Streptococcal infection (aka strep throat) triggers a guttate Psoriasis. One another possible antigen might be antimicrobial peptides, molecules that are part of the immune system.
Further, researchers also founded a particular antimicrobial peptide that might cause an autoimmune reaction in people with moderate to severe Psoriasis.
A body with Psoriasis disease prevents the immune system from working properly… It actually makes too much of certain properties which causes the body to think that it’s being attacked. The body responds to this with inflammation.
This inflammation then affects skin cells and makes them grow rapidly.
Moreover, it also affects the joints, which ultimately become painful, tender, swollen, and stiff, as a resultant of the ongoing inflammatory processes.
OK… this was an answer to the question… How Psoriasis Affects Immune System?
Obviously overactive immune system leads to Psoriatic disease…
You Might Refer Reading: Psoriasis Treatment in India
Now, have a quick glance at Psoriasis on the human body…
What Are The Psychological Effects Of Psoriasis?
Psoriasis leads to variety of psychological symptoms, such as:
- Poor self-esteem and low self-worth, leading to social isolation.
- Sexual dysfunction, because of self-consciousness or painful lesions.
- Feelings of guilt, shame, helplessness, or embarrassment.
- Stress- that can trigger flares of Psoriasis – in 43-68% of patients.
- Depression, because of a decreased quality of life.
- Suicidal ideation, that occurs in up to 10% of patients with Psoriasis.
What Organs Does Psoriasis Affect? [How Psoriasis Affects Immune System]
Psoriasis can affect internal organs and skin. Patients with Psoriasis might encounter serious consequences on their joints, arteries, and several other organs of the body, if not treated early to decrease the inflammation.
How Does Psoriasis Affect The Integumentary System?
The integumentary system actually comprises the skin and its appendages acting to protect the body from several kinds of damage, such as loss of water or damages from outside. Moreover, this system includes hair, scales, hooves, nails, and feathers.
Psoriasis affects the integumentary system via speeding up the life cycle of skin cells. Now, these cells move to the outer layer of the skin in a few days, rather than weeks.
According to Doctors,
This process actually occurs, because the body tries its level best to heal wounds or fight an infection, which is not there in reality.
These new cells then very rapidly build up onto the skin, to form the itchy, scaly patches, which are characterized as Psoriasis.
So, this was a Psoriasis impact on the body. or how Psoriasis affects immune system.
Now coming to Treatment
Psoriasis Treatment
Despite the fact that the immune system is the key to Psoriatic Disease, it’s also true that it can treat it properly. Yes… it’s the key to its cure also.
Medications that suppress the overactive immune system can clear skin and halt the inflammation to joints.
In 1979, researchers discover drug, namely, Cyclosporine… this was potent enough to suppress the immune system and also treat the Psoriasis.
This offered was actually one of the first clues that Psoriasis was an Autoimmune Disease.
Since then, numerous effective treatments got directed toward the immune system that has been developed for Psoriasis diseases.
Note: Nygelis, a derma solution by Aldan HealthCare (Top Dermatology Pharmaceutical Companies in India) is the most unique and innovative derma solution to Psoriasis treatment.
For Psoriasis Treatment, Nygelis is the first time concept in India, comprising a miracle extract with immense benefits, namely “Nigella Sativa Extract”.
Nygelis (Best Psoriasis Treatment Cream in India) is available in capsules and cream form.
You can use it to diagnose Psoriasis as prescribed by the doctor or company
Ok… so this was the medications for Psoriasis treatment.
Now, you must be aware of the fact that Psoriasis can get treated with appropriate dietary programs. Yes… with proper nutritious food, one can treat Psoriasis well.
Psoriasis Immune System Diet
With an appropriate diet, you can limit Psoriasis to large extent…
- Have more and more inflammation fighting-foods. Anti-inflammatory foods are good enough to prevent from Psoriasis.
- Limit alcohol…Though the link between alcohol and Psoriasis is not clear… but according to experts, it’s better to have a drink in moderate quantity. So, it goes like… for men, no more than two drinks a day and for woman, no more than one.
- Have heart-healthy sources of fat, such as seeds, olive oil, and nuts.
- Fatty cuts of red meat.
- Have dairy products on a regular basis.
- Processed foods and refined sugars.
With this diet, One can prevent or treat Psoriasis.
Now, we’re in 2020, a year, known as coronavirus pandemic year. Since the coronavirus is all about immunity, which is directly linked to Psoriasis. So, in this aspect, we guess we have found lots of inquiries on Psoriasis and Coronavirus. And since we’re writing about Psoriasis, so thought it would be good to deal with the point Psoriasis and Coronavirus.
Psoriasis and Coronavirus
Presently, it’s unclear how coronavirus or Covid-19 can affect people with Psoriasis, which is an autoimmune disease.
According to Researchers,
Some treatments for Psoriasis, which are immunosuppressive medications, might increase the risk of a Covid-19. However, the exact effects are still unknown.
Currently, we have got only this much information on Psoriasis and Coronavirus.
OK… so here our blog ends up on How Psoriasis Affects Immune System? Hopefully, you find it interesting and beneficial for you…
However if any query or suggestion for us, kindly feel free to share it with us in the comment section below!!
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