24 Jan Factors Causing Male Infertility (Symptoms & Statistics)
Male Infertility is actually a term used or introduced by doctors for males who’re not able to get their women pregnant, after at least one year of trying.
Infertility is a serious issue in today’s date.
As per male infertility statistics,
Out of 100, around 15 couples are infertile. Means the female in the couple can’t get pregnant with unprotected sex.
There are numerous causes of infertility in males and females. However, over a third of infertility cases, the problem is with male. Male infertility statistics clearly proves that the issue arises often because of problems with his sperm production or with sperm delivery. Besides from this, illness, chronic health issues, injuries, lifestyle choices and etc are also vital factors causing male infertility.
Note: Though not being able to conceive a child is both stressful and frustrating at the same time… However there is no need to worry in today’s date, as numerous treatment of male infertility is available today.
Male Infertility Symptoms
The main and the most common sign or symptom of male infertility is of course the inability to conceive a child. However, besides from this, an underlying issues such as an inherited disorder, a hormonal imbalance, dilated veins around the testicle or condition blocking the sperm passage also causes signs and symptoms of male infertility.
So, besides from inability of conceiving child, other symptoms indicating male infertility include:
- Pain, swelling or lump in the testicle area.
- Abnormal breast growth (gynecomastia)
- Recurrent respiratory infections
- Problems with sexual function – like trouble with ejaculation or small volumes of fluid ejaculated. Besides, decreased sexual desire or difficulty in maintaining an erection.
- Reduced facial or body hair. (Or other signs of a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality).
- A lower than normal sperm count.
When to consult doctor
You’re require to consult doctor, if unable to conceive a child after a year of regular unprotected intercourse. Or sooner if you’ve either of the following:
- Pain, discomfort or swelling in the testicle area.
- Record of prostate, testicle or sexual issues.
- Ejaculation or erection problems… like low sex drive and etc.
- A testicle, groin or scrotum surgery.
So, here ends up all the possible male infertility symptoms.
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Male Infertility Causes
There are numerous factors causing male infertility… Fertility actually depends on very large extent onto the travelling of mature, healthy sperm.
Problems stop cells from growing into sperm. Besides, problems or troubles might keep the sperm from reaching egg. Sometimes temperature of the scrotum also affects fertility.
Have a look at the main factors causing male infertility
Here below are the reasons that lead to generation of male infertility issue.
Varicocele is actually swelling of the veins that drain the testicle. It’s the most usual reversible cause of male infertility. Though, till yet, the exact cause that leads to varicoceles is unknown… However, assumptions are high that it might be associated with abnormal testicular temperature regulation.
Varicocele result in decreased sperm quality.
Note: Increasing the number of varicocele can improve semen numbers and function. Moreover, they might potentially improve outcomes, while using assisted reproductive techniques like in vitro fertilization.
Defects of tubules that transport sperm
Numerous distinct tubes carry sperm. They often get blocked because of reasons like inadvertent injury from surgery, trauma or abnormal development, prior infections or similar inherited conditions.
The blockage can occur at any level.
Problems with Sexual Intercourse
Problems with sexual intercourse is one of the most vital factors factors causing male infertility. Here problem means trouble keeping or maintaining an erection sufficient for sex (erectile dysfunction) and premature ejaculation.
Besides, painful intercourse, anatomical abnormalities like a urethral opening beneath the penis (hypospadias). Or psychological or relationship issues, interfering sex.
Hormone Imbalances
Infertility often occurs because of the disorders of the testicles themselves. Or an abnormality affecting several other hormonal systems, including: Pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal & thyroid glands.
Celiac Disease
A digestive disorder lead by sensitivity to gluten is another one of the vital factors causing male infertility.
Heavy Metal Exposure
Exposure to lead or several other heavy metals causes male infertility.
Obesity impair infertility in various ways… like via directly impacting sperm themselves. Or via causing hormone changes that decrease male fertility.
Ok… so here ends up factors causing male infertility.
How To Check For Infertility
If you’re a guy and your partner isn’t getting pregnant, even you both are wishing same, its time for you to go for male infertility test. Regarding that, you’re require to visit doctor.
There are actually lots of male infertility tests, you can go for to find out if you’re infertile… Moreover learn what kind of treatment you need to get.
Get an Evaluation
Start with visiting a doctor known as urologist. He will take a proper physical exam of yours and then will ask you questions about your lifestyle and medical history, like:
- Medications you take
- Surgeries you’ve gone through
- Your exercise habits
- Whether you’re addicted to smoke or recreational drugs.
Finding out the core causes of male infertility might be challenging. However, they most probably provide you with the positive results, no matter which types of male infertility you are going through.
Treatment of Male Infertility
Male infertility is neither permanent nor untreatable. Its absolutely not uncommon for men to treat male infertility.
Now since, infertility is a big issue in today’s date, as discussed above, so of course numerous pharmaceutical companies are there offering wide range of gynae medicines associated with it.
Nonetheless, amongst all, LOQ 10 by Aldan Healthcare has been referred the best, in the management of idiopathic male infertility.
LOQ 10 – Best Gynae Medicine For Male Infertility Treatment
Unlike other gynae medicines available in the market for male infertility treatment, LOQ 10 is the only one, potent enough to address all the sperm parameters.
This particular gynae medicine do comprise dietary fatty acids, which are capable enough to influence sperm quality & function.
Why LOQ 10 is Best in the management of male infertility
It improves semen density, motility & morphology
LOQ 10 improves sperm density, sperm motility & morphology, in the intervention group compared to the control group.
Prevents Chromosomes Damage & Sperm Maturation
LOQ 10 comprises Zinc that protects the spermatozoa against bacteria. Moreover, it also prevents damage to chromosomes. Zinc do play a very vital role in testicular development and sperm maturation.
Contributes Lot in formation of sperm and testosterone biosynthesis
The gynae product comprises selenium, which is a vital trace element in formation of sperm.
Overcome deficiency to assure fertility
LOQ 10 contains Lycopene that very effectively overcomes deficiency, assuring fertility.
So, this was why and how LOQ 10 is best, when it comes to fight against factors causing male infertility.
All the above mentioned points clearly proven that LOQ 10 by Aldan Healthcare is best, when it comes to the management of male infertility.
Why Aldan Healthcare is the best Gynaecology Pharma Company in India
When its about Top Gynaecology Pharmaceutical Companies In India, Aldan Healthcare has been referred as the best.
Currently, Aldan is doing a brilliant job, via providing high quality pharma gynae products. Gynae products by Aldan include a wide range of tablets and capsules.
All Aldan’s products have been manufactured under the guidance of expert and professionals.
Lastly, Aldan Healthcare is dedicatedly focused in infertility management. It’s the best Gynaecology Pharma Company in India.
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