23 Mar Can Osteoporosis Lead to Bone Cancer | Osteoporosis Treatment
This blog deals with answer to Ques. “Can Osteoporosis Lead to Bone Cancer”. Moreover, Osteoporosis symptoms, its causes and treatment……………..
Osteoporosis, also known as “porous bone” is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. This condition causes the bone to become weak and brittle – so brittle that even a mild stress, bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fracture mostly occur in hip, wrist or spine.
Though, osteoporosis can affect both male and female of all ages. But older women of who are past Menopause are at a higher risk.
Healthy diet, medications and weight-bearing exercise can help prevent bone loss or strengthen already weak bones. In addition to that, many Top Gynaecology Pharmaceutical Brands have also marketed some products to treat osteoporosis condition which we will discuss later.
Osteoporosis Symptoms
There are typically no symptoms of this condition in the early stages of the bone loss. But once the bones becomes weak by osteoporosis, one might have some signs and symptoms that include:
- Back pain, caused by a fracture or collapsed vertebra
- Loss of height over time
- A stooped posture
- A bone that breaks much more easily that expected
Does Osteoporosis Cause Pain???
Osteoporosis isn’t painful, but when the condition becomes severe, it can lead to fractures and other painful problems. The pain usually becomes more severe when the people become old.
Causes of Bone Loss (Osteoporosis)
As a person age, their bodies are less able to replace the cells needed to repair and rebuild bone tissue. This means that the bone may become thin and can develop holes. However, other factors that contribute to the loss of bone mass include:
- Bone cancer which is cancer that starts in the bone
- Cancer that has spread to the bone. Cancer that most commonly spread to the bone include – breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, multiple myeloma
- Certain types of chemotherapy
- Women have higher risk of osteoporosis than men. The risk of osteoporosis is especially high after menopause because of lower levels of estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that helps to maintain the bone density and this low level of estrogen can lead to bone loss.
- Heavy smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol
- A family history of osteoporosis
- Long-term bed rest and inactivity
- Poor nutrition and not getting enough calcium and vitamin D
Osteoporosis and Cancer
Here below find relation between Osteoporosis and Cancer.
Note: For detailed info on Osteoporosis and how to cure it, refer: Osteoporosis Treatment
Can Osteoporosis Lead To Bone Cancer?
Certain cancer treatment can increase the risk for osteoporosis in both men and women. Osteoporosis after Chemotherapy is usually common as chemotherapy used for breast cancer can cause a loss of bone density. In addition to that, certain hormone therapies for breast and prostate cancer can also lead to bone loss.
However, a number of strategies can help prevent and treat osteoporosis. Thus, we can say that osteoporosis doesn’t lead to cancer, instead Bone cancer leads to the osteoporosis condition.
Osteoporosis and Breast Cancer
A women having Breast cancer are at higher risk of developing Osteoporosis. Following mentioned are some of the reasons:
Early Menopause
Certain chemotherapy treatments used for breast cancer treatment can cause the ovaries to stop making estrogen that brings on menopause. Moreover, early menopause may also result when the ovaries are removed or if one have radiation to the ovaries. These procedure are done to slow breasts cancer growth because estrogen can cause some breasts tumors to grow. But this sudden lowering of the estrogen levels causes rapid bone loss.
Some chemotherapy medicines may cause a loss of bone density.
Hormone Therapies
In breast cancer, the hormones estrogen and progesterone can speed up the tumor growth. Hormone therapies are used to prevent this from happening, but that can speed up the bone loss, too. Hormone therapy may include ovary ablation (the inactivation of the ovaries that occur with the surgery to take out the ovaries) or taking medications.
How to Strengthen Bones after Chemo
Following mentioned methods if followed properly can help to strength bone after chemotherapy:
- Eat a variety of healthy food everyday including a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables
- If you are overweight, get enough calories and protein to reach a healthy weight
- Eat foods that are rich in calcium such as low dairy foods, dark green-leafy vegetables, canned fish, as calcium is an essential nutrients for maintaining bone mass and density.
- Get a good amount of vitamin D. Vitamin D sources include fatty fish, milk such as soy milk, rice milk, and sunlight, etc.
- Limit alcohol and smoking
- Prevent falls and be physically active
Does Bone Density Scan Show Cancer
Yes, Bone Density scan such as X-rays, CT scan, and MRI can show cancer and how much damage the cancer has caused to the bone. Areas of the diseased bone will be seen on the bone scan as grey to black, dense areas, called “hot spots”. These areas generally suggest that cancer is present, but arthritis, infection, or other bone diseases can also cause hot spots.
Osteoporosis Treatment
Here find detailed info on Osteoporosis Treatment. Know the solution which is best to cure Osteoporosis Permanently!!
Can Osteoporosis Be Cured?
This question generally occurs in every osteoporosis patients’ mind that “Can Osteoporosis Be Cured”……….
The main goal of treatment of osteoporosis is the prevention of bone fracture by reducing bone loss, by increasing bone density and strength. There are certain lifestyle changes and dietary changes that one can follow for preventing the bone loss which we have discussed earlier.
In addition to that, certain medications can also help to increase the bone strength and mass.
Treatment for bone loss often involves the use of bone-modifying products that helps to slow the rate of bone thinning. They may also help to reduce new bone damage and promote healing. One of the best bone modifying product available in the market in India is Osteofem.
Marketed by Aldan Healthcare, a Gynecology Pharma Company in India, Osteofem is considered as the best Osteoporosis Treatment in India. It has been made equipped with plant-based polyphenols, effective in increasing bone formation, decreasing bone resorption and augmenting bone strength.
So, here ends the blog for Can Osteoporosis Lead to Bone Cancer…….
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