15 Apr Can Anovulation Be Treated | Not Ovulating Treatment
Read this blog to know Can Anovulation Be Treated, what causes Anovulation with Regular Periods and best treatment for Anovulation in India…………………..
Anovulation means lack of ovulation, or absent ovulation. Ovulation is the process of the release of an eggs from ovary. Some medication conditions and external factors that affects hormone levels can cause anovulation.
However, sometimes women may have one anovulatory cycle and then go back to a regular cycle. Other times, it is a chronic problem. Moreover, women of childbearing age do not usually experience anovulation unless something has disrupted the body’s hormone level or damaged the ovaries.
Women who have completed menopause, this is quite normal. While for childbearing women who have regular Anovulatory Cycle Chart, finds it difficult to get pregnant. But this is not a matter to worry, about as many treatment options along with dietary and life style changes can help a women in getting pregnant.
In addition to that, some Top Gynaecology Pharmaceutical Brands have also marketed some products like Aldova, which helps women in getting pregnant.
We will discuss about Aldova in detail in last section of this blog. Till then let’s know Can Anovulation Be Treated and How Can You Tell If You Have an Anovulatory Cycle.
How Can You Tell If You Have an Anovulatory Cycle?
Though only a doctor can definitively determine whether you are having anovulatory cycles, there are a few signs that might clue you in.
Women who ovulate regularly often see signs that occur during each cycle. They may experience the following:
- Increased amount of Cervical Mucus during Anovulatory Cycle
- A drop and subsequent rise in resting body temperature in the middle of the menstrual cycle
- Periods that occur irregularly
- Having certain hormonal diseases, like polycystic ovary syndrome or hypothalamic.
Also, some women with very irregular periods, or who do not see signs of ovulation, may have taken some Not Ovulating Treatment to stop pregnancy which may affect their hormones.
What Causes an Anovulatory Cycle?
There are many reasons why a women might not ovulate, but some common reasons are as follows:
- Being overweight or obese
- High level of stress
- Being underweight
- Exercising too much
- Hormonal imbalances of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
In addition, anovulation is common during hormonal transition period. For example, a girl’s first few periods are usually anovulatory. Many women also have an anovulatory cycle after childbirth or after miscarriage.
However, a women can make some dietary and life style changes for treating the causes of this condition. Additionally, one can also go for some medication options by Infertility Products Manufacturer in India for its treatment.
Anovulation with Regular Periods
Many women complain that they are Not Ovulating but Getting Period regularly. Anovulatory bleeding describes a specific type of abnormal uterine bleeding.
Anovulatory bleeding that might bring a women to seek medical attention usually results from a more chronic state of anovulation. With some underlying conditions, if ovulation does not occur for several cycles, the lining of the uterus still builds up. However, because the women did not ovulate, their body did not get the trigger to shed the lining of the uterus, aka having the periods.
Why Am I Not Ovulating but Having Periods
This common question arises in every anovulating women’s mind. The answer to this is because, generally when Anovulatory happens, the lining of the uterus, becomes disordered and it begins to randomly shed. This results in Anovulatory Bleeding that is not in a regular pattern. Moreover, this type of bleeding can be heavier and last longer than the normal menstrual bleeding.
Thus, above mentioned are some of the basic differences between Anovulatory Bleeding Vs Period. Again, depending on the underlying cause of the anovulation, the bleeding may simply be light spotting. But, what all anovulatory bleeding has in common is that it occurs at irregular intervals.
Best Treatment for Anovulation in India
Many women search for Can Anovulation Be Treated. The good news for them is that there are many treatment options for women with anovulatory cycles.
While lifestyle and dietary changes can be helpful in some situations, medical help is indicated in others. One of the best treatment option available in India for Anovulatory cycle is Aldova and Aldova DS.
Marketed by Aldan Healthcare, a Top Gynaecology Pharmaceutical Companies in India both products are really helpful for women with ovulatory dysfunction facing difficulty in getting pregnant. The difference between these two products is that, the strength and the quantity of Clomifene Citrate in Aldova DS is high as compared to Aldova.
Composition of these products include:
- Clomifene Citrate -50mg (in Aldova) and 100mg (in Aldova DS)
- N- Acetylcysteine -600mg
- Eicosapentaenoic -90mg
- Docosahexaenoic -60mg
This product is available in a kit pack of 25 tablets at an affordable price and should be taken only after consulting your doctor.
So, here ends the blog for ‘Can Anovulation Be Treated’. We hope that you enjoyed reading this blog and find this interesting.
Note: To know more about Aldan Healthcare, a Gynecology Pharmaceutical Companies, and it’s product you can refer its site.
Till then, stay tuned, as we will be back with more such beneficial blogs………………….
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