11 May Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and Hair
Read this blog to know about the Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and hair. Also know about How to Use Aloe Vera Gel on Face at Night…………….
Aloe Vera, the modest and miracle houseplant is a wonder plant, often hiding in plain sight. Having been around and used as a medicinal herb, it nourishes the body from the inside – it is rich in nutrients, aids in improving digestion and even boosts immunity.
Aloe Vera is perhaps one of the most widely used herbal remedies for topical skin conditions. Aloe Vera can be used topically too, i.e., its gel can be used to enhance one’s skin, especially the face and the hair. This is because the gel-like components of the plant are known to heal the skin from a variety of minor ailments.
How to Use Aloe Vera Gel on Face at Night?
However, before we get into the essential reasons and health benefits of Aloe Vera, let us first learn how to extract Aloe Vera gel directly from the plant.
If you have an Aloe Vera plant at home, select its fatter leaves or stems and cut it from the base. Next, step is to extract the gel out of the leaves by using a knife or spoon. When all the gel is extracted, refrigerate the gel.
However, if this process seems too tedious for you, you can buy ready-made Aloe Vera gel from market. Apart from that, you can also give a try to Aloe Vera face wash like Aldanglo.
This is one of the best ‘Aloe Vera-Based Face wash’ having no mixed chemicals, marketed by Aldan Healthcare, a Top Dermatology Pharmaceutical Companies, which is used for daily face cleaning with all benefits of Aloe Vera. It is a foaming face wash for daily use and is indicated for all skin types.
Now, let’s move to the next section to know about some of the Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and hair.
Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin
Can We Apply Aloe Vera on Face Daily?
Despite its healing powers, one may be wondering if it is safe for using it on face daily. Generally speaking, the answer is yes.
When used correctly, Aloe Vera can help with a variety of ailments that might affect your skin. And applying it daily can do miracle to your skin in no time. Here, below mentioned are some Benefits of Aloe Vera on Face Overnight.
Helps Soothe Sunburn
Aloe Vera gel has cooling properties and is anti-inflammatory. Hence, it is one of the most natural remedies for sunburn or burnt skin.
Applying Aloe Vera gel helps with a protective layer for the skin, and it also helps to retain moisture. It is rich in antioxidants and minerals that boost the healing process.
Helps To Moisturize the Skin
Unlike market-bought moisturizers, Aloe Vera gel when used as a moisturizing gel doesn’t leave a greasy film on the face and the skin. In fact, it does just the opposite – it unclogs the pores and softens the skin.
It can also be used as an aftershave-treatment. This is because the Aloe Vera helps to keep the skin hydrated and heals burns by razor and small nicks & cuts, it also helps to treat dry skin.
Boost healing of wounds
Applying Aloe Vera is highly beneficial for burns, cuts and other injuries. This is because it boosts the healing of wounds, i.e., reduces the time of healing. This is true especially in the case of 1st and 2nd degree burn.
Applying Aloe Vera on Face for a Month also helps to speed up skin cell reproduction as much as eight times and is also known to penetrate the epidermis, i.e., the outer layer of the skin faster than water.
Fights Skin-aging
Aloe Vera has vitamin C and E, along with beta-carbonate in abundance. Therefore, it has anti-aging properties. It also contains antimicrobial properties and is anti-inflammatory in nature.
Applying Aloe Vera for Face Mask helps to eradicate skin blemishes and diminish age lines. Additionally, it helps to increase the production of collagen in the body and skin elasticity.
Reduces Infection and Acnes
Aloe Vera helps in gentle cleansing, and its antimicrobial properties treat pimples without causing any damages to the skin. It is also used as an antiseptic that allows protection against bacteria.
Aloe Vera contains polysaccharides and gibberellins which helps in the growth of new cells and at the same time, reduce inflammation and redness. It also works as an astringent that reduces the size of pores, microbes, flushing out the excess sebum, and dirt.
Lightens Blemishes on the Face
Aloe Vera contains powers to boost skin cell reproduction, reduce redness and fight skin inflammation, it is a natural treatment for stretch marks and acne marks.
To treat freckles and lighten age spots, add some lemon juice to the gel mixture. Aloe Vera for Skin Whitening is one of the perfect home remedies for glowing skin.
For Treatment of Eczema and Psoriasis
The moisturizing effect of Aloe Vera helps to alleviate dry, itchy skin associated with eczema and psoriasis. The oily form of eczema is most often found in scalp which can be treated by eczema.
Aloe Vera may also help alleviate inflammation and itchiness caused by psoriasis. It is also beneficial in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. This is one of the best Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin.
Benefits of Aloe Vera on Hair
Not only for skin and face, Aloe Vera is also beneficial for hair too. Applying aloe vera on hair gives smooth touch and shine to the hair. It also promotes hair growth and re-growth.
Below mentioned are some Aloe Vera Benefits for Hair.
Helps in Hair Growth
Aloe Vera gel helps in activating new hair growth as it increases the blood circulation to the scalp. It also provides essential vitamins and minerals to the hair scalp.
Aloe Vera contains proteolytic enzymes that help repair dead skin on the scalp and works as a great remedy for scalp problems in women and men.
Keeps Dandruff at Bay
Aloe Vera helps in healing dry skin, excessive oily skin, and fungal infection. All these are significant causes of dandruff and is one of the natural way to get rid of dandruff.
Acts As a Conditioner to the Hair and Scalp
Aloe helps to condition the hair and soften it. Regularly applying aloe gel to the hair and scalp helps to maintain the vitality of the hair and its shine.
Here ends the section for Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and Hair.
The Bottom Line
Aloe Vera may be a source of natural treatment for a variety of skin ailments. Still, studies says that there’s not enough definitive evidence to support all the purported benefits of aloe, although it’s safe when used on the skin.
Therefore, if you use Aloe Vera on your skin for a particular ailment or disorder and don’t see any improvements within a few days. Then you must consult your dermatologist and should opt for some topical treatments marketed by Top Dermatology Pharmaceutical Companies in India. This is because they only can help with specific concerns you have regarding your overall skin health.
So, here ends the blog for ‘Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and Hair’. We hope you enjoyed reading this blog.
Till Then Stay Tuned, as we will be back with more such beneficial blogs…………………………….
hannah liam
Posted at 12:01h, 11 SeptemberAloe Vera gel is good for our skin as well as for our body. I use aloe Vera gel for removal of pimples.