26 May Are Vitiligo and Lichen Sclerosus Related? Know the Facts!
Vitiligo and Lichen Sclerosus both are skin disorders and there a question comes are Vitiligo and lichen Sclerosus related?
So, are they really related to each other or different?
Though, all the questions that you are looking for we’ll be discussing here.
Moreover, we are also going to discuss some important terms like lichen Sclerosus affecting urethra female, lichen Sclerosus breakthrough, and can lichen Sclerosus be caused by stress?
Now, let’s cut to the chase and comprehend these terms and also the relation between Vitiligo & Lichen Sclerosus.
Are Vitiligo And Lichen Sclerosus Related?
Lichen Sclerosus is a severe skin disorder that affects women before puberty or after menopause, hence it also affects men in rare cases.
Whereas, Vitiligo is a kind of skin disorder that causes white patches on the skin.
Moreover, Lichen Sclerosus generally affects the genital area..e., Vulva (the area outside the Vagina), although, in rare cases, it can also affect the penis of the men.
Furthermore, for the lichen Sclerosus breakthrough and the best treatment for Vitiligo, we are here with the best Vitiligo treatment cream in India Melacyn that treats the white patches very rapidly.
Moving on, according to research there are lots of autoimmune diseases associated with lichen Sclerosus, hence they may lead to Lichens in women or men.
Moreover, some of the autoimmune diseases are Thyroid, Anemia, Vitiligo, & Diabetes.
Can Lichen Sclerosus Be Caused By Stress?
You must have known are Vitiligo and lichen Sclerosus related or not?
But, do you ever wonder how these diseases are caused?
And is stress the reason for causing these inflammatory diseases?
There is no actual cause of Lichen Sclerosus but hormonal imbalance plays a vital role.
Hence, talking too much stress may aggravate the symptoms but, it can’t be said that stress is the reason for causing Lichen Sclerosus.
Note: you might prefer going through one of the Top Dermatology Pharmaceutical Brands “Aldan Healthcare” which develops the best Dermatology solutions in India.
Lichen Sclerosus Affecting Urethra Female
As you know Lichen Sclerosus affects the genital area of women and if it starts affecting the skin around the urethra, then it’s hard to pee.
Moreover, during urination, you may feel inflammation and also the urge to urinate very frequently.
What Causes Lichen Sclerosus et atrophicus?
As you know the actual cause is unknown, but overactive immune and some skin damage may lead to Lichen Sclerosus.
Hence, one thing you need to know that this disease can’t be spread and is non-contagious.
Keep reading the blog are Vitiligo and lichen Sclerosus related? As there is lot more to know about it.
What Is Lichen Sclerosus Pictures?
If you look at the pictures of Lichen Sclerosus, then you may see some white spots into the genital area.
Moreover, you can also check out some of the pictures of Lichen Sclerosus on the Internet.
Moving on, sometimes many other inflammatory diseases are wrongly diagnosed with lichen Sclerosus, due to the same symptoms.
Moreover, the common mimics of Lichen Sclerosus are Vitiligo and other Vulvovaginal Atrophy.
What Is the Best Treatment for Lichen Sclerosus?
Once your doctor Diagnoses you with Lichen Sclerosus, they may advise you going for some of the treatments that may help in suppressing the symptoms.
Moreover, there are also some home remedies that will help you in reducing the itching and may enhance your skin appearance.
The Home Remedies Include:
- Apply ice packs on the affected area
- Wash your genital area daily.
- Apply lubricants to the affected area.
- You can also apply some best-recommended cream.
Melacyn Gel Cream: Best Cream for Vitiligo
The Aldan Melacyn Gel cream is a very safe and effective combination for re-pigmentation and considered as the cream for Vitiligo in India.
Moreover, the cream is enriched with Nigella Sativa Extract and is a natural plant-based cream.
The cream is 100 % Paraben-free and provides the best results in Vitiligo treatments that show result within a month.
Furthermore, for better results, we would recommend one Melacyn tab a day along with Melacyn Gel.
Moreover, you must take guided supervision before going for the treatment.
The Conclusion
Now, here we wrap up our blog are Vitiligo and lichen Sclerosus related?
Hope to be found this blog informative for you, nevertheless, if you still have any further queries, tell us in the comment section below.
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